5 Awesome Email Campaigns You Need To Learn From

When it comes to marketing to your prospects via email, there are countless designs, content ideas, and strategies that can make or break your business. However, there are also millions of other business email campaigns being delivered every day that you should be learning from.

Here are five awesome email campaigns that you can learn from. Not every email has had the same purpose. Some have been designed to re-engage an audience, others for sales or perhaps a welcome email.

So, what are these five awesome email campaigns?

1. Pinkberry

For whatever reason, sometimes you’ll find that people are no longer reading your emails. It might be because an email address has become old and no longer monitored, or because they’ve grown bored of the content. Whatever the reason, inactive email accounts on your list cost money.

Pinkberry came up with the solution to offer a free frozen yogurt to their account if they respond. It instantly makes the re-engagement campaign more enticing to readers and helps to bring them back into the fold.

2. Envelopes

According to research, nearly two-thirds of all shopping carts are abandoned. That’s a lot of wasted potential revenue on any given website. To reclaim some of those abandoned carts, you need to remind your customers that they’ve abandoned their cart in a series of emails.

Research and tests conducted by MarketingSherpa with Envelopes.com found that sending three emails got the best results. They sent an email 24 hours after the cart was abandoned, then they sent another 48 hours after the cart was abandoned, followed by a third email with a discount code, 60 hours after the card was abandoned.

3. Petflow

The online pet retailer achieved $30 million in sales in 2012. Part of their success is down to their social media and email marketing campaigns. They have over one million fans on Facebook, and they use that to great effect on their email marketing campaigns.

In one email, they bring a lot of elements together to make it a great campaign that is really convincing. Firstly, they add a line of how many units of a particular product have been sold. To add to this social proof, they include reviews from real customers and some Facebook comments.

Finally, to make it really convincing, they add a high-value discount code.

All this combined works because word-of-mouth recommendations (including social media) are primarily responsible for up to 50% of all purchases and customers are more likely to purchase if there are positive reviews about a product/brand.

4. Charity: Water

Email marketing is often thought of as transactional. You send an email to get something in return, purchase, information, etc. However, other emails act as marketing content which can boost your interactions and promote your brand.

The charity Water, is one company that really makes this happen. As soon as someone donates to their cause, their money takes a journey and the customer is given updates along the way. This strategy demonstrates how their donations are making an impact and increase the chance of another donation being made or that the individual recommends the charity to other donor.

5. BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed is a popular email sender. Their subject lines are normally thought-provoking, and they have great preview text that encourages people to read their emails. One example of their tactic is to ask a question in the subject line and give an answer in the preview text.

Another tactic is to give a command in the subject line while the preview text is the next logical thought. This conversational tone makes the emails really engaging which is why they have a high open rate.


There are so many ways to create, design and write emails and some campaigns are awesome. While you can’t copy them exactly, you can learn from their greatness and apply the lessons to your campaigns to improve your open rate and sales.

What campaigns have got you the best results? What made them different?

Let us know in the comments below.

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