8 Tips For Building Your Email List From Scratch

How can you build an email marketing list from scratch?

Email marketing is one of the most important marketing channels online. For every dollar spent, email marketing is guaranteed to offer the best return. The actual revenue you will generate cannot be guaranteed, but you can assume that the more subscribers you have on your list, the greater the revenue generated.

Therefore, it is important you grow your email list constantly.

If you haven’t started to build your mailing list at all; then this can seem daunting. That’s why we’ve collected eight top tips here for you to build your email list from scratch.

1. Signup With An Email Service Provider

One of the most important tips is to ensure you’ve signed up with an Email Service Provider (ESP), like Fluttermail. A good ESP allows you to control your mailing list, look for patterns and build a list within minutes.

2. Offer Something Valuable

While customers don’t pay you anything for subscribing to your mailing list, they are giving you something important: their contact details. They’ll want something in exchange for that information. E-commerce stores can easily offer discounts, but other businesses need to develop a strong, compelling offer relevant to their audience.

3. Create A Landing Page

Landing pages are great online marketing tools. They allow you to provide information that sells your knowledge and expertise and then offers a deal that leads to a subscription. For instance, if you run an accountancy firm, why not offer clients ten tips about saving money. Then offer them a guide for 10 more tips for saving money if they subscribe.

4. For Every Landing Page Have A Unique Call-To-Action

Every landing page you have, and every offer, you should create a unique call-to-action. A unique call-to-action can help you differentiate the offers on each page. This can help increase conversions and can appeal to different audiences who may differ on requirements.

5. Create Personalised Call-To-Actions

Very closely related to the above, a personalised call-to-action is one that is created based on the website visitor. These aren’t too difficult to create on websites and can be designed on specific pages. Research has shown that personalised call-to-actions can outperform generic call-to-actions by 202%.

6. Have More Than One Landing Page

We’ve hinted at this earlier in the article, but this is one of the most important elements of your list building campaign: have more than one landing page. More than one landing page allows you to target various audiences with different priorities. You can also improve SEO by attracting more backlinks to the various landing pages.

7. Make Your Landing Pages SEO-Friendly

If you want to subscribe lots of people, you’ll need a lot of traffic. The average conversion rate for a page is only 2.35%. Even the top 10% of all performances only subscribe one person for every ten visitors. Therefore, if you want to build a big list, to maximise results you need to generate a lot of traffic.

There’s only one true way to develop this and that’s to ensure that your landing page is ranked highly on Google. There are several elements to this but one way to help is to make sure there’s a lot of content on your landing page. Pages with over 2,000 words rank higher than those with less than 1,000.

8. Don’t Forget To Subscribe Current Customers

Current customers are more likely to purchase again from you and they’ll spend more as well. This makes them an important part of your business. Marketing to them should take priority and therefore, you should be subscribing as many current customers to your business as possible.

These people can be marketed to with latest offers, complimentary services/products and even special events just for them. The advantage is that it costs less to sell to these people than it does to sell to others.


Email marketing is one of the best ways to generate revenue for your business. The trouble is: you need an email list to generate revenue. If you haven’t got one yet, try some of the tips above to help you build your mailing list from scratch.

Have you been struggling to build your mailing list? What tips do you have for building a mailing list?

Let us know in the comments below.

Image from Pixabay.

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Netgear support September 22, 2018 at 10:38 pm

Nice post.

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