It’s Not All About Deals: Examples of Companies That Don’t Do Email Discounts

Discounts and email marketing have become synonymous. It’s hard to imagine one without the other. Yet some companies refuse to offer email discounts. Many luxury brands eschew discounts in any marketing channel.

Yet these companies haven’t gone belly-up. Quite the opposite. They are marketing,… making sales… and making money. Let’s take a look at a few of these email marketing anomalies. 

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How to Optimize Emails for Mobile

If you are anything like me, you get a little nervous when you can’t find your smart phone.

You sweat, panic a little, and then breathe a huge sigh of relief when you find it. Phew! Back to instant access, text messages, apps, and email. The bad news is that we might have a little bit of an addiction, but the good news is that we aren’t alone.

Smart phone usage is on the rise. In fact, according to a study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, as of February 2012 nearly half (46 percent) of American adults are smartphone owners. Another Pew Project study also noted that 87% of smartphone owners access the Internet or email on their handheld, including two-thirds (68 percent) who do so on a typical day.

With these numbers continuing to rise, it is essential that you develop a mobile marketing strategy for your emails to ensure that your recipents get the best user experience from your messages.

Here are some top tips for creating mobile-friendly emails.

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