How To Write Marketing Emails That Convert

writing email copy that will convert

How do you write email marketing copy that will convert?

Email marketing provides the best return on any digital marketing, but it is only effective if you produce content your audience wants to interact with. Everything from the tone, to the language and specific words used, can make a significant difference to your results.

Isn’t Email Design Important?

While the look of an email is important it will only offer you so much reward. Email subscribers are more interested in the content of the email, where the value of your message is. Each member of your marketing list will have questions when they receive your email, such as:

  • Who is sending this email?
  • What do they want me to do?
  • How will taking action benefit me?

The answers to these questions should form part of your email copy. If your audience can’t find the answers, they won’t take action. When statistics show that click-through rates can be as low as 1.3% to 5.41% – any small action that helps you get interaction is necessary.

How To Write Better Marketing Emails

If you want to be successful in business, being able to convert prospects is important. So learning how to write great marketing emails is a must. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Write Emails For Email Segments

If you haven’t segmented your email list yet, then you need to start today. A segmented list allows you to identify trends among groups of similar individuals on your marketing list, and then send them offers they are likely to be interested in. For example, a business offering software to students could split their email list into segments for different courses, software needs or the university they attend.

Once you’ve segmented your list, you can write your emails targeted to that specific group, and when they read content that is relevant to them, they’ll be more likely to follow up on requested actions.

2. Remove Unnecessary Words

There are certain words, known as ‘stop words’, which can be removed from your writing most of the time. One such example is ‘that’. A stop word slows down the reading and disrupts the flow of a message, so the message becomes less powerful.

When deciding to remove certain words or not, read the sentence out loud, with and without the word. Here is an example:

“There are a lot of words that you can remove from your email copy.”

“There are a lot of words you can remove from your email copy.”

3. Personalisation

At least 70% of business emails sent do not include any personalised information. How can you expect to build trust with an audience without being on first name basis? At the very least you should include the first names of both you and the recipient in the body of the email.

In addition, you can include their business name, actions they’ve taken on your website or orders they’ve recently made. The more personal you get, the more interest you’ll gain.

4. Be Personal

Don’t write in a neutral tone. Instead use the second person perspective in your emails by including “you”, “your”, “our” and “us” in the copy. It creates a more inviting and personal touch to your emails that will make people think there is a person writing the messages and not just an automated system.

5. Speak Plainly

Corporate talk is not going to sell you anything. Plain speaking is going to get you much further with your audience. It also proves that you know what you are talking about, that you understand the subject more than your competitors who only speak industry lingo – which can lead to mistrust.

If you don’t build trust with your audience early, you won’t have a chance to sell.

6. Keep Your Emails Short

People are always pressed for time and if your email is too long, they will not read your email all the way to the call to action. If you have a small email, with a noticeable call to action, more people will click-through.

Therefore, try to keep email messages below 100 words.

Write Your Email Copy

While the design of your email is important, especially in today’s increasingly mobile world – words still count. Writing effective emails requires skill, patience and time. Use the tips above to help you get the most from your email campaigns and start selling more online.

How do you write your emails? What are your click-through rates like?

Let us know in the comments below.

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