Determining Why Prospects Sign Up To Your Newsletter

Why are people signing up to your email list?

Why are people signing up to your email list?

When you have an online business it is important to generate an email marketing list. According to numerous research projects, they are one of the best online sellers. The reason for this is that emails can be personalised to the reader, rather than generic social media, blog, video or podcast content that is created for the general audience.

One of the ways that you can customise your email marketing newsletter is by inserting the name of the recipient into your email. Doing this for the subject line and at the top of the email when addressing the recipient has been proven to increase open rates, avoid spam filters and increase conversions.

However, this isn’t the only way to increase these metrics. There is another, more successful customisation that will help your business achieve more from its email marketing campaigns: sending relevant content that the customer wants. The problem that many businesses face is how do they learn what information new signups want to receive?

Learning The Motivation

It’s all about learning the motivation of your business’ latest prospects for signing-up. By tapping into their motivation not only will you gain further insight into what they are interested in, but also see at what stage of the purchasing path they are at. The more urgent their need, the more likely they are going to want to speak to your sales team or receive that highly promotional email.

To gauge their motivation, you first need to understand that there are two types of marketing motivation: need and want. A customer might want to have something, but that doesn’t mean they can have it. For instance, they might want to go on holiday to a five star hotel but they can only afford a budget equivalent.

In contrast, a need is an urgent motivation where customers have to get something otherwise it causes problems. For instance, a customer might need a locksmith to repair the lock on their door.

Motivation can often be determined by the pages of your website a customer is looking at. If they are viewing your product information pages only, then it is more likely a want motivation as there is no urgency in their actions. Alternatively, if they are looking at prices and delivery charges, etc – then there is likely a need for motivation.

Learning What They Need Or Want

Both need and want customers can be marketed to. The need customers are just those that are further down the sales funnel and require less effort to convert. However, even with a need prospect you should find out what they want. This can’t always be determined by where they’ve been on your site. Either you have too many visitors / not the right software to marry up signup details with visitor activities or you don’t have specific pages and they were looking at all your products.

So what you should do is find a way to generate more prospect knowledge. One way of doing this is to use topic specific downloadable content. By offering many different ebooks or whitepapers that range in topics on all your products, you can determine what the prospect would like by what they’ve downloaded. For instance, if they’ve downloaded the window installation document, you can be sure that they’re interested in new windows.

Research by HubSpot has found that the more downloadable content you have the greater your lead generation is. The results also seem to be exponential, so generating lots of this form of content is almost invaluable.

With this information, you can then create email marketing content that can target their specific interests. This helps reengage your audience and attract more of them to click through to your website and make a purchase.


Knowing why someone has signed up to your mailing list includes finding out why they have signed up, what they want to know more about and how urgent the demand is. Then you can produce tailored content for them and can decide how quickly you should move towards the sale before a competitor beats you to it.

How do you determine what the customer wants? Do you segregate your email marketing lists?

Let us know in the comments.

Take Action:

  • Create at least 5 downloadable ebooks to capture email addresses.
  • Segregate your email marketing list based on urgency of product need and desire.

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