Starting A Business – The Best Email Marketing Tools To Consider

starting a business
Starting a business is hard, you need a mailing list.

When starting a business, you’re going to want to get going with a mailing list as soon as possible. Repeat customers are an important part of your revenue stream. Without them, you can find customer acquisition costs higher and your profits lower.

Plus, the strain of finding loads of new customers can be challenging and stressful.

The added benefit of starting a mailing list is that you can build anticipation for products/services before you start. This can mean that as soon as you launch, you can start selling.

However, if you’re looking to start a business with a mailing list, you’re going to need some top email marketing tools. Here is a selection of the best tools on the market.

1. Email Marketing Software

Using sites like Fluttermail can help you start your business’ email marketing list. It gives you a place to collect your contacts, either manually, or via an additional software program, and send campaigns to your audience.

Email marketing services can help you navigate around several legal aspects. For instance, not breaking GDPR and anti-spam legislation across the world. They can also enable you to produce aesthetically pleasing designs that can help you convert your audience into buyers.

Finally, email marketing software is really good for statistics. They have the technology to properly track subscriber actions whether it’s by opening an email or clicking on a link.

2. Spreadsheet Software

While it might seem outdated to use spreadsheet software, it is a really useful tool. For one, it allows you to keep statistics within one simple page for campaigns over a period of time. In a spreadsheet you can start to manipulate the data to show trends within campaigns and with audiences which can help you plan your next series of campaigns.

While there are some manual operations with this, it can be a great way to push your business forward.

3. Signup Software

If you want to use email marketing to promote your website, services and products: you need to subscribe people to your marketing list. If you’re using a CMS, like WordPress or Shopify, then you can use a plugin to add this functionality to your website. Some plugins are free, but some of the best are premium and require you to pay either an up-front or subscription fee.

However, most tools can automatically add subscribers to your list. And you can segregate the lists to make them more effective in the long-term. Segregation can be based on the audience’s behaviour or demographics. But you need to match these to a certain type of customer and then send customised campaigns to different segregations.

4. Grammar Software

One of the biggest failures in marketing isn’t getting the message to the audience. It’s getting the message in a clear format to the audience. And the largest barrier to this is grammar and spelling. Many marketers, new business owners and others, send content out with simple grammatical errors in the content.

While the odd mistake is to be expected (no-one is perfect); that doesn’t mean you can relaxed about your content.

You should check all content to ensure that is free from errors. You can use grammar checkers like Scribens and Grammarly to check your work. Both have free options that can help. However, always double check their recommendations as they aren’t perfect solutions.

5. Image Software

Images (and videos) are an important aspect of marketing. Research has shown that conversions are higher when you use images and video in content. Therefore, ensure that you have image (video) editing software as part of your email marketing tool box.

You can then add special effects to images and videos to make them look more professional and improve the quality of the results.


When starting a new business, you’ll want to begin with building a mailing list. Ideally, this should be done first, before the launch, but even if you have launched, the same tools are needed. Use the list above to collect a tool box for your email marketing campaigns that will help you sell your products and services.

What tools do you use? Have we missed something off?

Let us know in the comments below.

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