The Easiest Formula For Setting Out Your Email

What is the best way to design your emails and their campaigns?

Email marketing is one of the best ways to sell online. Research has found time and time again that the return on investment from email marketing is much higher than other digital marketing pathways. However, there are lots of different ways that you can utilise email in your marketing, and there are some that are easier to operate than others.

Using certain formulas for email marketing, you can achieve more than the average brand. Here is one of the easiest formulas that you can use to generate revenue through email marketing.

The Auto-Sequence

The Auto-sequence is a series of emails that are automatically sent to customers based on behaviours or conditions that you’ve preset. For instance, some brands create an auto-sequence that is related to the subscribers birthday, anniversary or time on an email list. These are pre-written and fully automated, so that you, as the business owner, have limited involvement once set up.

This is what makes it the easiest formula for setting out your email. All you have to do is to create a series of emails that are ready to go. When certain conditions are met, the emails are sent out. You can just look at the results in your dashboard or when sales have been made through your store.

However, even with an auto-sequence, you need to generate a design that looks great to audiences whether the audience is using a desktop or mobile device. So you also need a good design.

Designing Your Email

The simplest email design is often the easiest. So, here is our quick list of suggestions of what to include in your email marketing design.


The first thing you need to include is a headline. This should be attention grabbing and can be similar to your subject line. However, it is often best to have a slight adjustment, for instance going into a little more detail or being more personalised. However, personalisation in the email subject line is what gets your emails opened.

An Image

Next you need an image. Images help to covey messages quicker to audiences. The same message can be displayed in one image as can be in a thousand words. They also increase interest, engagement and conversions within an email.

Images can be added so they include text within them, and an image in an email should not be too large. Most inboxes don’t support images that are more than 600 pixels wide, so it is best to keep them under this and below 400 pixels wide.


The next stage should be detailing your message. This should be a short message of less than 200 words. This prevents audiences from becoming bored and allows for easy read on a mobile device. It is better to keep to one strong message and connect to a landing page that has more details on it rather than bore people on your emails.

Your text should contain limited spam words as this can be off-putting and lower response rates to your email.

Video (Optional)

Here you can place a video that is hosted from YouTube or another video sharing website. This is optional and doesn’t need to be done, but videos can help with email conversions.

Call To Action

Finally, you want to place a call to action. This should direct the customer to make a purchase or take another positive action. Call to actions need to stand out on a page and should include as little text as possible. Remember to always give ownership to the reader and add urgency to all email call to actions.


With the tips above, you have a simple, effective and easy formula for running your email marketing campaigns. They will help to generate revenue from your campaigns with you not having to do too much work.

How do you design your campaigns? How do you design your emails?

Let us know in the comments below.

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