The 5 Biggest Trends for Holiday Email Marketing in 2012

It’s never too early to start thinking about the holidays.

All around the world the holiday season planning is already in full swing. Companies have likely already analyzed what happened in 2011 and are making plans for their marketing efforts in 2012.

Product has been purchased and strategies are already in place for getting consumers excited and eager to purchase. It’s crazy to think that the holidays are just around the corner, but in the world of marketing the time to plan is now.

For email marketers there are a few trends this year that may change the way emails are sent for the holiday marketing season. Here are those trends along with action steps you can take for your efforts.

There is still plenty of time to make adjustments to your strategy so let’s get into it.

1. Customers Look at Emails on their Smartphones

Checking Email

People check their email everywhere

An increasing number of people are viewing emails on their mobile devices. How many times have you looked around in a restaurant or on the train only to see people looking at their phones? Those people are all checking their email. We’re constantly connected to our inbox with our smartphones.

Takeaway: It’s time to start designing emails for the smartphone experience. People are viewing emails on their phones and an increasing number of people are taking action and buying from their phones. Focus on what makes the mobile experience pleasant and profitable. It’s not about desktop computing anymore.

2. Don’t Be Afraid of Long Emails


People like long as you're interesting.

Short emails aren’t always the best. For some reason we have it in our heads that emails need to be short and sweet. That is not always the case. Sometimes the long emails work better to convert customers, but there is a trick – you need to be interesting.

Takeaway: Let’s say you’re launching a new product for the holiday season. In your email marketing campaign test two different emails. Try your typical email that is likely short and sweet. In the other go through the entire description of the new product. Tell a story of how your developed the product and why you developed the product. Add personality to the story to make people feel like there is a person telling them a story. Answer the typical objections people have when they are considering a purchase from your company. Go through the same process you would if you were selling the product face-to-face. See which one does better.

3. Include Interesting Videos

Video Camera

Do you have company videos?

Video is a big trend in the online world. As people get access to speedier Web connections the ability to watch video has been improving. People like visuals and video is the ultimate visual.

Takeaway: The technology to watch video within an email isn’t quite there yet, but you can include screenshots of the video so people feel like when they click the image they will be able to go to a webpage to watch. It’s common and people like doing it. Create video from the content you already have and link to it from your emails.

4. Do More with Promotional Email Design

Lee Jeans

Lee Jeans does a great job with their promotional emails

Promotions have been a huge part of email marketing the last three or four years. It seems like every company is offering promotions throughout the holiday season. It’s a race to the bottom, but if you’re looking to stand out with your promotional email it still pays to focus on design.

Takeaway: Don’t simply do the typical promotional email with a colored box that blasts 20% Off! in big bright letters. Get a little more creative with photography and interesting graphics. The holiday season puts a demand on consumer inboxes. Make sure your design is the most interesting. When everyone is offering the same thing it’s often the best design that wins.

5. Urgency Still Drives Decisions



Urgency has been an important part of holiday marketing for years and probably for decades. If people feel like they are running out of time to make a purchase they will be more likely to make that purchase now.

Takeaway: Use urgency in your email marketing for holiday…that’s obvious. Get creative with your offers. Make people understand that certain deals might only be available right now. You could offer a slight discount if people purchase something for an entire year instead of just for a month. The urgency and even the extra value will entice them to purchase now instead of pushing it off.

These are five of the biggest trends in email marketing heading into the holiday season. Use these takeaways to improve your holiday email marketing. Best of luck this holiday season.

Image Credit: 55Laney69, db Photography | Demi-Brooke, woodleywonderworks, Lee Jeans, Sundance

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