Top Industries That Benefit From Email Marketing

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What industries are doing best with email marketing

Email marketing has been the most effective digital marketing platform for over a decade. For every $1 spent on email marketing, the return on investment is on average $38. However, while all businesses and industries can benefit from marketing via email, some industries will have better results.

The industries which do better aren’t always because their audience use email more. It could be that businesses in those industries are better at utilising email for promoting their businesses. Here are some of those businesses that are performing well, and why they are doing better.

1. The Hospitality Industry

When looking for hotels, travellers like to focus on prices and reviews. Those marketing hotels are using this to their advantage. If a user searches through hotels on a site and then doesn’t make a booking, the company will then send an email listing hotels with their prices and a link to reviews.

One example of a hospitality business that will do this is Airbnb. They use software that can send emails quickly when certain behaviours are triggered. This is when they’ve searched for a place to stay, but not made a booking.

If no booking is forthcoming on the first email, then the company will send another email offering alternatives to those in the first email.

This is a great example of not just email marketing, but also automation. The emails are also perfect, because, according to research, they give the audience exactly what they want: prices and reviews.

2. Retail

Ecommerce and other retailers are bound to be big players of email marketing. Sales can be directly linked to email marketing activity and therefore, organisations can track results. This often offers more justification for email marketing than other industries that cannot directly track sales to emails.

Retailers also benefit from the huge amounts of data they can collect and use in marketing. For instance, previous purchases can be tracked to specific groups of customers and then emails sent that promote related products.

They can also be used to remind customers to make purchases on a regular basis or on a repeat basis. The biggest winners in this industry are the large retailers who have more data available to them. They also have a vast audience to send emails to that allows them to multiply potential revenues from email campaigns.

However, smaller retailers are also seeing the benefits.

3. Wedding Industry

A surprising industry that is doing well with email marketing is the wedding industry. However, the industry has one massive benefit and that is time. Email marketing sales require trust between the company and the audience. Trust requires time to build up and thanks to the average engagement length of 14.5 months, the wedding industry has a lot of time on its side.

Many businesses in the wedding industry start by sending helpful tips. Then, once trust has been gained, they can start to sell products to audiences. Some of the best in the industry don’t sell their own products, but instead rather use their trust to sell products and collect affiliate payments.

Another advantage of this is that most of the work can be automated. Therefore, costs for the email marketing campaigns are limited and campaigns can be continuously improved upon.

4. Luxury Brands

Vivid storytelling and stunning photos are the perfect marketing tools for those selling luxury brands. And email is the perfect tool for projecting those two tools onto audiences.

Luxury brand sellers can send audiences photos of their products in use and display them in the wide environment to promote use and give context to how they will fit into the lifestyle of the audience.

As email marketing is also low cost, the ROI of email marketing for luxury brands is much higher.


Email marketing is great for all industries, but there are a few that are using it to great effect. The examples above can help you to refine your email campaigns for future success. Just because your business isn’t in one of those industries, it doesn’t mean that you can’t perform just as well.

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